On 6/5/07, Kurt Pfeifle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Package: cupsys
Version: 1.2.11-2

I'm reporting on behalf of
a customer who called me today because important functions on his test
printserver [running on Sid] broke after upgrading to CUPS 1.2.11-2;

He can not use that system any more for now, until he pays money to some-
one to fix everything (if that is at all possible; otherwise to migrate
it to a non-Debian distro).

I was gonna answer point by point to your very detailed wishlist,
except that I have serious issues with your report on one specific

Your customer is running Testing on a production server that he needs
to depend upon for everyday work. As far as cretinism goes, this one
wins the jackpot.

There are two possible solutions to the above bug report's main issues:

1) Your customer must acquire the brains to realize that the only
sensible release to run on production servers is Stable and he should
therefore immediately downgrade to Etch.

2) As he nonetheless chose to run Testing, he is invited to fix his
software to match our changes and help us streamline the transition to
non-root user operation, by reporting on actual bugs, rather than on
features which we deliberately chose to close uptream's patently
broken security model.

Moreover, while you introduced these changes (amounting to a de-facto
fork from upstream IMHO), you did not sufficiently document these. In
fact, the CUPS documentation you ship is still suggesting to the user
that his cupsd runs as root.

The Debian changelog makes it abundantly clear that we're aware that
this is gonna break some things and that Lenny's development cycle
exists to iron things out.

Martin-Éric Racine

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