David schrieb:
> I am now in another machine and it happens too. It is progressive (at least
> in this machine).
> Do a search in tracker, close, now reopen it. The tab of the results is a
> bit more rightwards than previous time. Close, reopen: the tab is even more
> rightwards. After two of three sessions, the tab has reached the right
> border of the window and, as a result, it has become invisible.

I can't reproduce the behaviour you are describing.
Could you please check with gconf-editor the separator_position value,
and post how it changes.

Which desktop environment are you using? Could you check, if gconfd is

> By the way, do you know about any issues in searching inside OpenOffice text
> files? I make tests with chains that I have inside an .odt and most of them
> are not found. If you like, I can submit this other bug against tracker.

tracker indexes (by default) only the first 1M of text in a file.
Given that your *.odt files are big, that could be one issue. You can
change this value with tracker-preferences.
Another explanation could be, that o3read (which is used for extracting
the text) is not working properly for your files.
Please check that, before opening a bug report.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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