reopen 443871

El Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 08:54:38PM +0200, Pierre Habouzit va escriure:
> On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 06:08:35PM +0000, Sergio Talens-Oliag wrote:
> > I want to use resolconf with pdnsd and be able to bind to an interface
> > different than the loopback one, but the current scripts hardcode the
> > address.
> > 
> > Attached you will find a patch that tries to read the server_ip value from 
> > the
> > pdnsd.conf file and uses it when available; if it can't find the value falls
> > back to use the loopback address.
>   This is way too brittle, for me to accept this patch (as there could
> be multiple server_ip lines, quoted ones, whatever). What you need to
> plug pdnsd into resolvconf is located under /etc, hence won't be
> modified through upgrades (conffiles). You can do whatever you want with
> those.

I accept that my patch is not good enough for your taste, and maybe a better
one or a different solution is a better option, but I disagree about your
argument about conffiles. 

Instead of simplifying the maintenance of the package you want me to modify
two configuration files (if I do a manual configuration that is normal) but I
also need to change and review on each upgrade two scripts that I would
normally asume that I don't need to touch (in Debian the use of
/etc/default/PACKAGE_NAME usually means that I don't need to touch the scripts
distributed under /etc).

>   I provide two reasonable usual setups, if yours differs, use "manual"
> setup, and do your config. I offer _rock solid_ configuration schemes,
> sorry, but your patch isn't.

My patch is not _rock solid_, but I'm using a "manual" setup and when I do a
really simple change on the main configuration file the system breaks and I
need to change two additional scripts because you have hardcoded a value... I
would not call that _rock solid_, would you?

Now the question is, would you accept a patch to support the use of a variable
in /etc/default/pdnsd to change the resolvconf server ip for manual setups? 

I've attached such a patch to this message, it is trivial and does not break
your current system, I would appreciate if you accept it or provide an
alternative that removes the need to change the scripts and review them on
each upgrade.

Thanks in advance,


Sergio Talens-Oliag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   <>
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