Michel Dänzer a écrit :
All these windows cohexist in a single X session, so I don't think that it's related to the way the Nvidia driver behaves. Compiz must do something to the terminal windows it creates that metacity doesn't do, the trick is to find that difference :-)

'Must do' why? I don't see anything that would follow from.

English is not my mother tongue, so maybe the tone is not right and "must do" is too categoric, but to answer your question : because gnome-terminal windows started before compiz are not affected, they behave quite normally under compiz on the same display at the same time.

Procedure : I start gnome with metacity, then a gnome-terminal window, then compiz ("compiz --replace" in that terminal for example), then start another gnome-terminal. Both gnome-terminals are on the same screen at the same time with compiz, but behave very differently. The first one, launched before compiz, is free of any problem. The second one, launched after compiz, freezes my desktop for 2 seconds everytime I resize it.

Maybe this is related to the driver, but the problem-free behaviour of the first terminal, even under compiz, proves that compiz can handle them well.

Now I tested other terminals (xterm and Eterm), and none of them displays the problematic behaviour. There is definitely something strange at work between compiz, the nvidia proprietary driver, and gnome-terminal. Compiz could handle it well, but wether it's worth investigating is totally up to you, I have a replacement solution for the moment and I won't bug you anymore :-)

I'll probably investigate the problem when any of the three contenders is updated to see if it's solved and report here if this is the case.

Thanks for your work,

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