On Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 02:18:22PM +0200, Jari Aalto wrote:
> The bug title was:
>     Add /etc/default/mixmaster to control the daemon startup at boot

 Having a default file control startup is severily b0rked - and most, if
not all of the default files you mentioned don't do that. Especially,
apache2 did it earlier but reverted that abuse of default files. If you
don't want something started move the S symlink of your runlevel to a
K symlink.

> I cannot see how this is an explanation would address why mixmaster
> deviates from the policy section that says to put "control of behavior"
> into:
>     /etc/default/*

 It is sugested, not a MUST. And there is no good reason to abuse a
default file for startup contolling - that's the core purpose of the
rc.d symlinks.

>      Often there are some variables in the `init.d' scripts whose values
>      control the behavior of the scripts, and which a system administrator
>      is likely to want to change.
>      ....
>      they should be placed in a file in `/etc/default',

 If there is a configuration file that controls things it should get
used. The default file is something additional for something that is not
controable through the proper configuration files.

> The system administrator wants to control the behavior of the daemon,
> the startup at boot (enabled/disabled).

 Then the system administrator should control the behavior of startup
like it is done since about 20 years, with the control of the rc.d

> In contrast to:
>     # /etc/init.d/mixmaster start
>     Not starting Mixmaster Daemon: remailer mode not enabled in 
> /etc/mixmaster/remailer.conf.

 The message can't be more clear about what you should do.

> Repoening bug as the policy is not followed.

 Policy *is* followed, please read again and don't reopen without a
pretty clear view of reality.

 So long,

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