On Sun, 01 May 2005 12:18:11 -0700
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Debian Bug Tracking System) wrote:

> It has been closed by one of the developers, namely
> Matej Vela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
> ...
> cooledit was removed from Debian unstable in January 2004.  See
> <http://bugs.debian.org/229615> for further information.

Closing unfixed bugs for all removed packages is a bad idea, and arguably 
violates Debian's Social Contract which says:

        We will communicate things such as bug fixes, 
        improvements and user requests to the "upstream" 
        authors of works included in our system.

I believe I understand why closing a bugs like this is done -- nobody maintains 
them, therefore there's no Debian maintainer to forward them upstream.  Also 
Debian's BTS is used for statistics and planning, like a census; counting 
thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of orphaned bugs would create a misleading 
picture of the distro's current status.  

The problem is real; but closing all open bugs is a poor solution...

Blowback 1:  suppose package 'foo' is orphaned, and all its bugs closed.  Later 
some new maintainer adopts 'foo'.  Where are the orphaned bugs?  In the 
archive.  Some may still be valid.  The maintainer might not have the time to 
search every archived bug just to find out which were closed due to the 
package's being orphaned, and if he did have the time, it still WASTES his time 
in having to review them when the bugs simply could have been left open.  

Blowback 2:  suppose a conscientious upstream package author occasionally 
reviews various downstream package BTS's for new bugs, in case nobody 
downstream remembered or cared to report those to upstream.  Would such a 
conscientious author have time to review all the archived closed Debian bugs 
just to find the minority of still valid orphaned bugs?  Even if he would, this 
would WASTE their time -- thus violating the spirit if not the letter of 
Debian's Social Contract.

Blowback 3: User Bob finds bug #X in 'foo'.  Then 'foo' is orphaned, then 
months later adopted by a new maintainer who lacks the time to deal with 
Blowback #1.  So bug #X remains closed, even though it's not fixed.  Later user 
Betty finds the same bug in 'foo', and checks the BTS to see if its already 
been reported -- she finds nothing open, and reports it as bug #Y in 'foo'.  It 
WASTED user time to report an already reported bug.

Suggested fix:  create a new bug status between "Open" and "Closed" -- call it 
"Limbo" maybe.  "Limbo" bugs would be any bug that was "Open" when orphaned, or 
any bug reported after a package was orphaned.  Programs that tabulate bug 
statistics could consider "Limbo" bugs as "Closed" for most purposes.  Upstream 
maintainers and users would still see them as virtually "Open" for most 
purposes.  When any orphaned package was re-adopted, the "Limbo" bugs could be 
changed back to "Open".

NB: I've noticed many such closings of other bugs before, and the maintainers 
themselves seem to WASTE a lot of their time closing 'em.  On 4/4/05 I wrote 
Colin Watson, the current BTS admin, to ask how he feels about a consequence or 
relation of this problem:


So far no reply, so I'll now reopen that bug just to keep the message in play.  
I think the whole problem of "a bug is EITHER closed OR open" constitutes a 
serious bug.  It wastes the time of Debian Maintainers who adopt packages, and 
Debian maintainers who close such bugs and reports, not to mentions upstream 
authors, and last and perhaps least and perhaps also most numerous, users who 
don't know about these things and mistakenly send redundant info.

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