On Dec 31, 11:11am, Clint Adams wrote:
} Subject: Re: Bug#458397: zsh: completion does not succeed with a function 
} On Sun, Dec 30, 2007 at 11:48:45PM +0100, Adeodato Simó wrote:
} > <dato> Clint: if I have a zsh function with the same name as a binary in
} > PATH, completion does not work correctly: I can type up to the whole
} > name and press <tab>, and a space won't be added, it'll still offer the
} > two identical names for completion.
} > 
} > I can reproduce with no zsh configuration files whatsoever.
} I could just be sleep-deprived, but this seems to be fine under 4.3.4
} and spaceless under 4.3.4-dev-6.

I am unable to reproduce this with 4.3.4-dev-6 on CentOS 4.6.

torch% whence -av gprof 
gprof is a shell function
gprof is /usr/bin/gprof
torch% gpr<TAB>
torch% gprof 

I get the trailing space, zsh -f both with and without compinit loaded.
I've also tried it with a command for which there is an explicit entry
in the $_comps hash; I still get the space added.

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