On Fri, May 06, 2005 at 10:38:25AM -0600, David Everly wrote:

> severity 294346 serious
> tags 294346 + sarge
> tags 294346 + patch
> thanks
> According to http://release.debian.org/sarge_rc_policy.txt
>    - Packages must include a "Depends:" line listing any other packages
>      they require for operation, unless those packages are marked
>      "Essential: yes".
> I had the same problem and had to install the iproute package, which
> fixed it.
> It seems to me that this should be added to the Depends so that is is
> installed automatically, so I'm attaching a patch to that effect against
> guessnet 0.35-1.
> By the way, this package has been a great help to me, thanks for
> maintaining it.


The severity was not serious because iproute is not needed to run
guessnet, but one of the optional scripts.  It could use a 'recommend',
though.  The version of guessnet I'll upload in the next days has the
script changed (thanks to Thomas Hood) to just not use iproute.

But I see you're quite strongly motivated to see guessnet depend on
iproute, which suggests me you are using the test-wireless-ap script:
does it work well?  I don't use guessnet for wireless and I can't test
it (or support it decently), but I'm definitely looking for feedback on



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