On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 4:33 PM, Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz
> On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 02:21:14PM +0200, Eddy Petrișor wrote:
>  > Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz wrote:
>  >> On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 02:33:54AM +0200, Eddy Petrișor wrote:
> >>>> On to more promising lands:
>  >>>>
>  >>>> Could you try running with --debug-update, please?
>  >>> I moved away the ~/.liferea_1.4 directory (safe copy) and ran:
>  >>>
>  >>> liferea --debug-update 2>&1 | tee liferea_update
>  >>>
>  >>> The log is attached.
>  >>
>  >> I hate Heisenbugs.
>  >
>  > Not sure this is one.
>  >
>  >> I see nothing obviously wrong in this log. Even worse, there are
>  >> entries there about updating the feeds, mentioning relatively recent
>  >> entries in, for example, Debian Planet.
>  >>
>  >> Did it keep failing after this update?
>  >
>  > Yes, for instance, Debian Planet is still stuck at that post, "Sami
>  > Haahtinen: Installing Debian on NSLU2" from the 6th of March.
>  Mmm. This makes me think it's reading them but then not commiting them
>  to the database. Maybe something in the cache settings is malfunctioning.

I can think of several scenarios you could be in:

1.) No updates saved to disk
2.) No updates executed at all
3.) No updates results processed
4.) No network connection.

In case of 1.) you should see DB error messages on the command line.
To verify this please run at least once on the command line and check
for suspicious output. You might also run once with command line
option "--debug-db" and check for errors.

In case of 2.) you can check using the "Update Monitor" options in the
"Tools" menu. This will open a dialog presenting a list of all subscriptions
that are to be updated and all that are downloaded right now. Here you
should check wether there are feeds in the queue at all and if those are
processed after a while.

In case of 3.) you should check the output of a run with command line
option "--debug-update" for HTTP error codes.

In case of 4.) please check if the online/offline icon in the lower left corner
displays the "online" icon. Also you should check the icons in the feed
list wether they symbolize an "unreachable" state (by being replaced
with error symbols).

In general you should check what the status bar says when you perform
an update (of either single feeds or all feeds).

To be honest your error report is pretty vague and one cannot really
determine what you problem is. You really need to provide more details!
For example I'm not sure you told how you trigger updates?


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