On Fri, 06 Jun 2008 01:52:07 +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:

> > Well. Since the new version joe starts to talk German to me;
> OK, yes, this is another aspect of these locale bugs that I didn't yet
> address - joe's code is fixating on LC_CTYPE only.

Until the recent version it worked just fine, so I guess it must have
been introduced in 3.5-2.
A short look at the source package didn't lead me to a solution but I
guess you know the code better :)
> There was one patch mentioned which explicitly checks LC_MESSAGES, but that
> somehow sounds wrong to me - surely there should be a generic function which
> does the right thing...

Ack; besides sun-java there's no package that gets the language wrong
on my box until now :) 

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