Eric Dorland wrote:
> So the user agent thing is fairly well documented at
>, but basically it's our stand against
> user-agent insanity. We could of course make it say Firefox easily,
> but this certainly seems a bit defeatist.


I realized this battle was over when discussion on debian-user revieled
that google maps behaved differently in firefox than iceweasel, because it
used a firefox-UA specific test to enable a feature (closing the sidebar
to make the map take up the full screen).

If the top website out there gets it "wrong", the battle is effectively 
over; "right" or "wrong" no longer really matters (victors write history

> I think we should almost
> certainly document the workaround better in the README.Debian. Of
> course I highly respect Joey's opinion so I'm open to more
> convincing. 

I'm afraid that documenting it in README.Debian won't help desktop users
who just find that this strange "iceweasel" browser we install by
default doesn't work on sites that firefox works on.

see shy jo

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