Hi Russ,

The behavior persists across a reboot of the system as well.


On Fri, 18 Jul 2008 13:01:20 -0700
Russ Allbery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Loren A. Linden Levy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hi I am having exactly this same problem in 2.6.25-2-686-bigmem.
> This is actually a different problem unrelated to the memory leaking.
> > Here is the kernel log when I try to insert the module:
> >
> > [ 2087.574131] kmem_cache_create: duplicate cache afs_inode_cache
> This error message means that the module didn't adequately unload.  Could
> you provide more information on exactly what circumstances under which you
> saw this problem?  I suspect that the module you were attempting to unload
> was what was broken, rather than the module that you're loading.
> If you do a clean reboot and from that point forward are only running
> 1.4.7, I suspect that you won't continue to see this problem.  If you do,
> please send details.

Loren A. Linden Levy
Department of Physics 
390 UCB 
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO   80309-0390
Tel:   303-735-6146 (CU) / +049 040 8998 4789 (DESY) 
Fax:   303-492-3352 (CU) / +049 040 8998 4034 (DESY) 
Cell:  303-332-2768 (U.S.) / +049 (0)151 5496 1831 (Germany)
url:   http://up.colorado.edu/~lindenle
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