Sergey Nivarov wrote:
> Thank you. However it didn't help me. I've changed 
> /usr/include/pqxx/result.hxx
> void freemem_result_data(result_data *) throw ();
> to 
> void PQXX_LIBEXPORT freemem_result_data(result_data *) throw ();
> but i get the error still:
> /usr/bin/g++ testlib.c mipostgres.c -I/usr/include/pqxx -lpqxx
> /tmp/ccB4PwMu.o: In function 
> `pqxx::internal::PQAlloc<pqxx::internal::result_data>::freemem()':
> mipostgres.c:(.text._ZN4pqxx8internal7PQAllocINS0_11result_dataEE7freememEv[pqxx::internal::PQAlloc<pqxx::internal::result_data>::freemem()]+0x14):
>  undefined reference to 
> `pqxx::internal::freemem_result_data(pqxx::internal::result_data*)'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
You have to recompile whole library with this change from source package if you 
don't want
 to wait until new version of library enter to Debian archive.

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, Ukrainian C++ developer.

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