On Wed, 27 Aug 2008 19:10:36 +0200, Luk Claes wrote:

> > Sure, but having an upload just for this line doesn't really help,
> > and bringing the package up2date might be unwanted during the freeze.
> > Since Luk has changed the severity I'd appreciate an input from the
> > release team's side.

Thanks for your quick reply!

> From the Release Team's point of view this issue is not release critical
> so I downgraded it to important.

> As the maintainers are active, I don't think there should be any NMU.
> Though if the maintainers think it's worth to fix before the release,
> it's a change that probably would get a freeze exception.

IMO the bug is not worth an upload/freeze execption; and I'd rather
upload a "polished" package, and I wouldn't ask to go the release
team to go through a larger changeset.

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