hi thomas,

apologies for the late response...

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 02:39:57PM +0100, Thomas Koch wrote:
> Unfortunately at least MySQL does not provide any means to syntax check
> a sql script. But the script could create a temporary database and try
> to install the given schema (and data).

i'm not sure what it is you want that dbconfig-common doesn't already do.

in the initial bootstrap i don't think this gets us any advantage over
simply "doing it", since it would be doing the same operation twice,
dbconfig-common already checks for errors in the process, and we're starting
from nothing so there's no risk in failure.  

for upgrades, this would test that the sql is correct, but not know how
it behaved on the real data.  what you really want is a transaction
so that if there's a failure a rollback can occur.  no new feature in
dbconfig-common is needed for this, the package maintainer simply needs
to add a transaction start/commit to the existing upgrade code.

is there some other use case i'm missing, or is it okay to close this bug?


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