
I have done the same test in a lenny chroot using signing-party 1.0.2,
and I am still unable to reproduce the problem.

I have enclosed my test so you can have a look at it.

For Arne the problem I can see is the fact that caff imports the wrong key

(526) a...@anhrefn $ gpg --list-keys --fingerprint 9E783E05
pub   1024D/9E783E05 2006-07-14 [expires: 2013-07-12]
      Key fingerprint = C476 70B8 8085 6000 B376  84CA 3325 5FE8 9E78 3E05
uid                  Arne Wichmann (no legal relevance) <a...@linux.de>
sub   2048g/64C9BBD8 2006-07-14 [expires: 2013-07-12]
(527) a...@anhrefn $ caff -u 84CA33255FE89E783E05 -S 9DDB992B
[INFO] Importing key 605A1B14822A41FA from your normal GnuPGHome.

Make sure to add your key to your caffrc settings through the
$CONFIG{'keyid'} variable.

Quoting caff manpage:
   keyid [list of keyids]
      A list of your keys.  This is used to determine which signatures
      to keep in the pruning step.  If you select a key using -u it has
      to be in this list.

For Micah: I do not know :)

Try step by step as done in my tests. If still no luck, please give me
you caffrc file and the command used with the full output.


Franck Joncourt
http://debian.org - http://smhteam.info/wiki/
Let's create two keys in my home directory.

gpg --list-key franck
pub   1024D/A780FD4A 2009-04-13 [expires: 2009-04-28]
uid                  Franck Joncourt (My first key in a lenny chroot) 
sub   2048g/17A51A35 2009-04-13 [expires: 2009-04-28]

pub   1024D/227795ED 2009-04-13 [expires: 2009-04-28]
uid                  Franck Joncourt (My second key in a lenny chroot) 
sub   2048g/FCB52ED0 2009-04-13 [expires: 2009-04-28]

Add them to my caffrc file to be able to import them in the caff home directory.

fra...@diamond:~$ grep ^$.*keyid /home/franck/.caffrc
$CONFIG{'keyid'} = [ qw{527391ACA780FD4A 0B8F8B2C227795ED} ];

Sign with the first key:

fra...@diamond:~$ caff -u A780FD4A -R --key-file /home/franck/thialme-test.asc 
[INFO] Importing key 527391ACA780FD4A from your normal GnuPGHome.
[INFO] Importing key 0B8F8B2C227795ED from your normal GnuPGHome.
[INFO] Importing keys from /home/franck/thialme-test.asc
[INFO] Sign the following keys according to your policy, then exit gpg with 
'save' after signing each key
gpg --local-user A780FD4A --homedir=/home/franck/.caff/gnupghome 
--secret-keyring /home/franck/.gnupg/secring.gpg --no-auto-check-trustdb 
--trust-model=always --edit CB777971 sign
gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.9; Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

pub  1024D/CB777971  created: 2009-04-09  expires: 2009-04-24  usage: SC
sub  2048g/646B73DF  created: 2009-04-09  expires: 2009-04-24  usage: E
[ unknown] (1). Franck Joncourt <thialme-t...@stones.lan>

pub  1024D/CB777971  created: 2009-04-09  expires: 2009-04-24  usage: SC
 Primary key fingerprint: 4C97 A54F 32C0 0B6B C339  D0D5 CAAA 6325 CB77 7971

     Franck Joncourt <thialme-t...@stones.lan>

This key is due to expire on 2009-04-24.
Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your
key "Franck Joncourt (My first key in a lenny chroot) 
<franck.m...@dthconnex.com>" (A780FD4A)

Really sign? (y/N) y

You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: "Franck Joncourt (My first key in a lenny chroot) 
1024-bit DSA key, ID A780FD4A, created 2009-04-13

Command> quit
Save changes? (y/N) y
[INFO] CAAA6325CB777971 1 Franck Joncourt <thialme-t...@stones.lan> done.
[INFO] key CB777971 done.
Mail signature for Franck Joncourt <thialme-t...@stones.lan> to 
'thialme-t...@stones.lan'? [Y/n] n

fra...@diamond:~$ caff -u 227795ED -R --key-file /home/franck/thialme-test.asc 
[INFO] Importing key 527391ACA780FD4A from your normal GnuPGHome.
[INFO] Importing key 0B8F8B2C227795ED from your normal GnuPGHome.
[INFO] Importing keys from /home/franck/thialme-test.asc
[INFO] Sign the following keys according to your policy, then exit gpg with 
'save' after signing each key
gpg --local-user 227795ED --homedir=/home/franck/.caff/gnupghome 
--secret-keyring /home/franck/.gnupg/secring.gpg --no-auto-check-trustdb 
--trust-model=always --edit CB777971 sign
gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.9; Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

pub  1024D/CB777971  created: 2009-04-09  expires: 2009-04-24  usage: SC
sub  2048g/646B73DF  created: 2009-04-09  expires: 2009-04-24  usage: E
[ unknown] (1). Franck Joncourt <thialme-t...@stones.lan>

pub  1024D/CB777971  created: 2009-04-09  expires: 2009-04-24  usage: SC
 Primary key fingerprint: 4C97 A54F 32C0 0B6B C339  D0D5 CAAA 6325 CB77 7971

     Franck Joncourt <thialme-t...@stones.lan>

This key is due to expire on 2009-04-24.
Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your
key "Franck Joncourt (My second key in a lenny chroot) 
<franck.m...@stones.lan>" (227795ED)

Really sign? (y/N) y

You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: "Franck Joncourt (My second key in a lenny chroot) 
1024-bit DSA key, ID 227795ED, created 2009-04-13

Command> quit
Save changes? (y/N) y
[INFO] CAAA6325CB777971 1 Franck Joncourt <thialme-t...@stones.lan> done.
[INFO] key CB777971 done.
Mail signature for Franck Joncourt <thialme-t...@stones.lan> to 
'thialme-t...@stones.lan'? [Y/n] n

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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