Arne Wichmann wrote:
> begin  quotation  from Franck Joncourt (in <>):
>> I gave a try against 1.1-2 and I am unable to reproduce the problem.
>> $ grep ^$.*keyid /home/thialme/.caffrc
>> $CONFIG{'keyid'} = [ qw{C872DCE08737DFA7 C490534E75C089FE} ];
> Hm. Maybe the part in the documentation that the key given in -u must be in
> the config-file in the keyid-list could be clarified.
> For example:
>        -u yourkeyid, --local-user yourkeyid
>            Select the key that is used for signing, in case you have more than
>          one key in your list of keyids.  To sign with multiple keys at once,
>          separate multiple keyids by comma.

It does not hurt although it is already mentionned in the "required
basic settings" section.

I would choose something like this:

 -u yourkeyid, --local-user yourkeyid
   Select the key that is used for signing, in case you have more than
   one key. To sign with multiple keys at once, separate multiple keyids
   by comma. This option requires the key(s) to be defined through the
   keyid variable in the configuration file.

If someone has a better description or think mine does not fit well, let
me know, otherwise I will update the manpage accordingly.

> I now think that my problem was that the key given with -u was not in the
> keyid-list.

I think so :)

For Micah's problem, I have one more test I would like to do. Then, I
will run out of ideas.


Franck Joncourt -

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