Russ Allbery wrote:
> We really need to overhaul the Python package checking to check more of
> what people are currently doing.  I haven't had the time to figure out
> what that is (patches definitely welcome).
> In the meantime, I think the best solution for this particular problem
> is to skip this test if the package depends on python-support.  Does
> that sound okay to you?  (I think checking all the rest of the
> information you mention is probably overkill in most circumstances.)

If we assume that the maintainers are sane enough not to add such a dependency
manually to a package while not using dh_py{support,central}, I think checking
for an existing dependency should be enough.

I'll be happy to provide help and patches to check this, but my todo list is way
too long already, so it won't happen too soon. Probably discussing the lintian
check for the new Python stuff would make sense, #debian-python on oftc would be
a good place for that I think.



 Bernd Zeimetz                           Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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