tag 563559 + confirmed
severity 563559 minor

Hello, and thanks for reporting this issue.

The change to make puppetd not start at boot is by design, and is
documented in NEWS.Debian, as well as on the console when installing.

It is, perhaps, unfortunate that it also affects clients upgrading.
I'll reduce the severity level of this bug to "minor", since this issue
does not seem to match the description for "grave":

# "grave - makes the package in question unusable or mostly so, or
# causes data loss, or introduces a security hole allowing access to the
# accounts of users who use the package"

We could possibly add a section to the package post installation script
to make puppetd start at boot if the package is being upgraded from a
previous version of puppetd, so I'll keep this bug open until we decide
if and how to do so.

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen

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