With respect to Bug 342685: a new version has just come out.
I haven't checked yet, but I expect the autoconfig stuff
is updated and should work with BSD.

I hope to package this in the next few days, but may be a week.
I wouldn't mind if someone beat me to it, or at least tested
on BSD.


----- Forwarded message from Tamer Fahmy <ta...@sim.no> -----

Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 17:42:12 +0100
From: Tamer Fahmy <ta...@sim.no>
To: coin-annou...@coin3d.org
Cc: coin-discuss <coin-disc...@coin3d.org>
Subject: [coin-announce] Simage 1.7.0 released

simage 1.7.0

Kongsberg Oil & Gas Technologies is proud to release version 1.7.0 of
the simage graphics utility library. Simage is a cross-platform
library capable of loading, manipulating and saving images, creating
and saving movies (AVI and mpeg), and loading audio. The simage
library relies heavily on 3rd party libraries to perform these tasks.

Simage 1.7.0 is a minor release. It keeps binary compatibility with
the previous version of simage (1.6.1).

NEWS File Excerpt:

New in v1.7.0 (2010-02-26):
* Added CGImage based backend on OS X.
* Added Quicktime based backend for older OS X versions.
* Added GDI+ based backend for Windows.
* Added Jasper/JPEG 2000 support.
* Added Visual Studio project files.
* Added Universal Binary support for OS X.
* Added pkg-config description.
* Added support for Windows 64-bit.
* Fixed QImage backend to work with Qt4.
* Fixed various memory leaks.
* Fixed various build system and compile/link issues.

See the ChangeLog file for all the details that lead to this release.

Download Information:

This message is posted before some of the listed binary downloads are
available.  If you don't find what you are after, try again at a later


Source Code:

Precompiled for MS Windows:

Have fun,

coin-announce mailing list

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