package gedit
tags 335215 + moreinfo unreproducible

Joe and Andrew, thank you for your time spent on information in this
bug report.

On 22-Jan-2007, Sven Arvidsson wrote:
> It would be most helpful if you could try to get a backtrace for
> this bug. Instructions for building a debug package for gedit and
> getting a backtrace are available here,

Since there was no response to this request for more information, I am
closing this report as unreproducible.

If either of you can reproduce this behaviour in the latest version,
and can supply answers for the above request, feel free to reopen this
report with new information. Thank you for your efforts to improve

 \         Legionnaire: “We have their leader captive!”  Cæsar: “Is he |
  `\       bound?”  Legionnaire: “Of his health I know not, sir.” —The |
_o__)                    Goon Show, _The Histories Of Pliny The Elder_ |
Ben Finney <>

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