Torquil Macdonald Sørensen wrote:

> After doing some more debugging, it seems that the bandwidth limit works
> better after doing a restart of shorewall, after my computer has started
> up. So it might be a Debian problem that causes this.
> I now noticed that the output of 'shorewall show tc' is not the same
> when running after on shorewall restart.
> Maybe shorewall isn't started correctly when the computer boots? I know
> shorewall is started automatically, as seen by the massive output of
> "iptables --list" after boot. Also, I have "startup=1" in my
> /etc/default/shorewall.

Have you recently added any packages? Possibly some other package is
clearing your traffic shaping configuration (I've seen Snort do that,
although not at startup).

> Directly after startup, neither download or upload bandwidth are
> limited. After one restart of shorewall, the download speed is correctly
> limited, however the upload speed is not... In my current configuration,
> the limits according to 'tcdevices' are supposed to be 400kbit/s down,
> 50kbit/s up.

No -- your current configuration is limiting to 400kbits up. No download
limiting because you have not defined any tcclasses.

> Does this contain "upload speed" limiting for eth1?


Tom Eastep        \ When I die, I want to go like my Grandfather who
Shoreline,         \ died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like
Washington, USA     \ all of the passengers in his car \________________________________________________

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