Tom Eastep wrote:
Torquil Macdonald Sørensen wrote:

After doing some more debugging, it seems that the bandwidth limit works
better after doing a restart of shorewall, after my computer has started
up. So it might be a Debian problem that causes this.

I now noticed that the output of 'shorewall show tc' is not the same
when running after on shorewall restart.

Maybe shorewall isn't started correctly when the computer boots? I know
shorewall is started automatically, as seen by the massive output of
"iptables --list" after boot. Also, I have "startup=1" in my

Have you recently added any packages? Possibly some other package is
clearing your traffic shaping configuration (I've seen Snort do that,
although not at startup).

It is possible, but not anything I remember at the moment. I'll have to hunt around on my system a bit, and check more thoroughly what happens at boot-time. Although I now found something else in my /var/log/shorewall-init.log which I should have seen before. The log file ends with:

Mar 14 20:24:14 Starting Shorewall....
20:24:14 Initializing...
Mar 14 20:24:14 Initializing...
20:24:14 Loading Modules...
Mar 14 20:24:14 Loading Modules...
20:24:15 Setting up Route Filtering...
Mar 14 20:24:15 Setting up Route Filtering...
20:24:15 Setting up Martian Logging...
Mar 14 20:24:15 Setting up Martian Logging...
20:24:15 Setting up Traffic Control...
Mar 14 20:24:15 Setting up Traffic Control...
WARNING: Device eth1 is not in the UP state -- traffic-shaping configuration skipped
20:24:15 Preparing iptables-restore input...
Mar 14 20:24:15 Preparing iptables-restore input...
20:24:15 Running /sbin/iptables-restore...
Mar 14 20:24:15 Running /sbin/iptables-restore...
20:24:15 done.
Mar 14 20:24:15 done.

So this clearly warns about the problem. I guess this is likely related to the fact that I'm using Network-Manager to activate my wireless network eth1? Maybe I need to change my setup, although I though that this worked before...

Directly after startup, neither download or upload bandwidth are
limited. After one restart of shorewall, the download speed is correctly
limited, however the upload speed is not... In my current configuration,
the limits according to 'tcdevices' are supposed to be 400kbit/s down,
50kbit/s up.

No -- your current configuration is limiting to 400kbits up. No download
limiting because you have not defined any tcclasses.

Hm, I guess I don't understand how to configure this then. I'll have to study the man pages some more!

Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it.


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