
I'm upstream for dhcpcd and have recently installed Ubuntu on one of my
machines and as such have a vested interest and now the means of using
my software on a Debian based system. I have packages prepared for
dhcpcd, dhcpcd-dbus and dhcpcd-gtk already and will work on one for
openresolv (resolvconf implementation) later today. This provides a
light weight alternative to NetworkManager or WICD.

The only big issue that I see with people upgrading are moving
configuration from /etc/default/dhcpcd to native dhcpcd
in /etc/dhcpcd.conf and existing /etc/network/interfaces inet dhcp lines
conflicting with dhcpcd running in master mode via its own init.d
script. The script cannot run before networking as it needs the loopback
interface and possibly wpa_supplicant started which would solve the
problem. One solution would be to sed /etc/network/interfaces and
comment these lines out.

Can I prevent the init.d/dhcpcd script from being started/stopped on
package upgrade/downgrade/removal/install?

Where can I post these packages for review?



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