tags 586197 + patch

Ick, this patch makes me feel dirty. You *really* want to package that
new version, using distutils :)


Stefano Rivera
  H: +27 21 465 6908 C: +27 72 419 8559  UCT: x3127
diff -u ensymble-0.28/debian/changelog ensymble-0.28/debian/changelog
--- ensymble-0.28/debian/changelog
+++ ensymble-0.28/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+ensymble (0.28-1.1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Support Python 2.6 (Closes: #586197)
+ -- Stefano Rivera <stef...@rivera.za.net>  Sat, 19 Jun 2010 00:04:02 +0200
 ensymble (0.28-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release
diff -u ensymble-0.28/debian/control ensymble-0.28/debian/control
--- ensymble-0.28/debian/control
+++ ensymble-0.28/debian/control
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 Maintainer: Dominic Hargreaves <d...@earth.li>
 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), docbook-to-man, python-central
 Standards-Version: 3.8.0
-XS-Python-Version: 2.5
+XS-Python-Version: 2.6
 Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/ensymble/
 Vcs-Browser: http://code.google.com/p/ensymble/source/browse/
 Vcs-Svn: http://ensymble.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/
only in patch2:
--- ensymble-0.28.orig/squeeze/squeeze.py
+++ ensymble-0.28/squeeze/squeeze.py
@@ -167,6 +167,14 @@
         exec code in m.__dict__
         return m
+class Py26CompatModuleImporter(ihooks.ModuleImporter):
+    def import_module(self, name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=None,
+                      level=-1):
+        return ihooks.ModuleImporter.import_module(self, name, globals,
+                                                   locals, fromlist)
 def boot(name, fp, size, offset = 0):
     global data
@@ -190,7 +198,7 @@
     data = marshal.loads(%(data)s)
-    ihooks.install(ihooks.ModuleImporter(Loader(data)))
+    ihooks.install(Py26CompatModuleImporter(Loader(data)))
 loaderopen = """

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