sasha mal schrieb:

it's great that you are dealing with that.

I've just now tried  lynx, firefox, safari on Mac OS X 10.5.8 from the same 
network. With the result that
- lynx 2.8.6rel.5 opens both and even when all cookies are accepted, 
and many more pages from the domain (but, trivially, refuses to open aspx 
- firefox 3.6.4 refuses to open any pages under
- safari Version 5.0 (5533.16) refuses to open any pages under

In my roles as an internet user I don't understand the technical stuff.
But I do see that the most popular browser (IE) displays the page. And I do see 
that it is technically possible for the open browsers like lynx.

So, given that Microsoft's IE on Windows is the most popular browser, whether 
we want it or not, Microsoft defined the standard. Not the HTTP or other 
specifications. Thus:
firefox is defective.

Currently, this nonconformant behaviour prevents me from using firefox and 
makes me use lynx or IE. Not only me. All research folks too. As long as MS 
doesn't care about how we want them to behave, we have to stick to their 

Thus: reopening the bug.


Microsoft does not define the standard and just because their page is broken firefox/iceweasel, opera, safari, google chrome, ... don't have to work around it. Even Microsoft themselves seems to have accepted that - since IE7 they produce fairly standard conform browser (compared to the mess of IE6 and before).

I tried IE6 on Windows 2000 in VirtualBox and the page didn't load.

However: Are we really having the same problem? Does deleting Microsofts cookie fix it for you? (Edit->Preferences->Privacy->remove individual cookies ; then search for microsoft and delete all listed cookies)

I also noticed that my mtu-clamping was correct (or should have been at least, if there is no strange bug in the kernel/iptables) before I changed it, but the page didn't load anyway. Also, without any mtu-clamping the page does load.. all this is really strange.

# old line (page doesn't load)
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu
# new line (page does load)
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -m tcpmss --mss 1400:1536 -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu

This probably would need deeper investigation (also in the kernel and iptables), but I don't really know where and how to start.

- Daniel

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