On Wed, 17 Aug 2005 09:06:00 +0200 Tore Anderson wrote:

> * Francesco Poli
> > Well, I may consider small differences in the letter as reasonable.
> > But what I'm talking about is a case where the *meaning* of the
> > dialog is definitely different between speech and subtitles!
> > It may well be intended (more on this later), but it appears to me
> > as a *bug* anyway...
>   It agree it seems kinda strange.  However I'm not willing to fork
>  ScummVM over in order to have a «ScummVM - Debian Edition»
>  containing a fix for this particular issue.

I would say this is a bug in the game data, not in the engine.
What you should do, AIUI, is modify beneath-a-steel-sky so that the
right (consistent) subtitles appear, rather than the awkward ones...
I cannot see where are the difficulties: it's a matter of simple string
substitution, isn't it?

Maybe I'm a bit ignorant about the data format, but the subtitles must
be included somewhere inside them, right?

>  It's much too minor for
>  that, as I see it.  You should rather convince upstream (ie. Ender).

As I see it, upstream is Revolution Software and I don't count on seeing
a new _Beneath a Steel Sky_ version out...

> > I even checked German and Swedish subtitles, but I'm really not
> > qualified to tell what they mean. For the record, they seem to
> > be structured similarly to the other non-English ones...
>   I'm Norwegian, so I understand Swedish perfectly.  I could always
>  translate those subs for you if you want.

Well, to me even writing down Swedish subtitles while I see them on
screen is too difficult!  :-(
As I said, I can send you a game-save from which you can see subtitles
by yourself: I had real fun in reading that conversation in all kind of
languages!  ;-)

> > Since English subtitles seem to be much softer than the spoken
> > audio (and than non-English subtitles), this discrepancy smells
> > like censorship or something.
> > Are you aware of any issues that Revolution Software had to face
> > in English-speaking countries?
>   If I recall correctly, they had to change the logo on the beer can
>  in the intro, because the brewery (Foster's?) didn't like them using
>  their trademark or something.  Also I know that the Americans are
>  quite anal about language, maybe they didn't like «defecation». 
>  (Sorry about the pun...)

Maybe someone went mad about that dialog, but what's funny is that only
English subtitles were changed. English speech was left untouched... 

> Grazie

Prego!   [ You're welcome! ]

And so we start the "Debian BTS teach yourself Italian in 24 bugs"
series...  ;-)

    :-(   This Universe is buggy! Where's the Creator's BTS?   ;-)
  Francesco Poli                             GnuPG Key ID = DD6DFCF4
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