* Philipp Kern <pk...@debian.org> [2010-09-07 11:25]:
> On Mon, Sep 06, 2010 at 12:56:05AM -0500, Adam Mercer wrote:
> Thanks for the bug report.  Indeed the git-core package is broken on
> lenny/i386 since the last point release on Saturday.  Sadly nobody caught
> that bug when the package was in proposed-updates.  It's only i386, that's
> affected, because of oddities on the uploader's build machine.  The autobuilt
> ones look fine.

I'm wondering what this was. I'm building in a clean chroot and to be honest I 
have no idea what went wrong. The umask in this chroot is 022.

> I scheduled a binNMU.  A quick fix is to upgrade to the version in
> proposed-updates when it's available there latest tomorrow evening.

Sorry for the inconvenience...
Nico Golde - http://www.ngolde.de - n...@jabber.ccc.de - GPG: 0xA0A0AAAA
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