On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 8:03 AM, Dmitry E. Oboukhov <un...@debian.org>wrote:

> DA> It is not a bug of insserv per se. Rather, insserv needs to be notified
> that when mhddfs mounts are present, fuse becomes a pre-requisite for
> mounting them. See bug #555541 for similar discussion for another filesystem
> implementation.
> I doubt that *each* fuse filesystem should notify insserv. I think
> that this notification should be placed into fuse-package
> (fuse-utils). And only if a filesystem requires additional services,
> then it should provide such notifies.

What kind of "additional services" you have in mind, exactly?

I am not a DD, but in my opinion the following makes sense:
If starting up fuse early has no adverse side-effects, then it is the proper
way to go, and this bug should be merged with #555541.
Otherwise (assuming there are some side-effects) the following seems to be
the proper course:
1)Fuse should be started early only if there are some fuse-based mounts in
2)Fuse-utils could not possibly know how to detect all possible syntaxes for
fuse-based filesystems in /etc/fstab
3)Therefore, it falls on prospective filesystem packages to provide init.d
scripts that would either implicitly mount fstab entries or bump up
dependencies on fuse so that it would be started earlier.

Upon short investigation, I see no obvious problems in just starting fuse
early. However, again, I am not a Debian Developer.

Could you please take this up with maintainer of fuse-utils?

> Does fuse-utils has a filled bug for this subject?

Seems like #555541 and #526115 talk about this very same matter.

> --
> ... mpd is off
> . ''`.                               Dmitry E. Oboukhov
> : :’  :   email: un...@debian.org jabber://un...@uvw.ru
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Dmitry Astapov

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