
On Sun, 31 Oct 2010 10:38:55 +0100, Torquil Macdonald Sørensen wrote:

> Hi!
> I have ntpdate installed, and configured it to be executed automatically each
> time a network connection is activated.
> [..]
> When wicd-daemon has successfully connected, and it executes the dhcp client,
> does it do so in a way that causes the script dhclient-exit-hooks.d/ntpdate
> to not be executed?

It shouldn't. Wicd calls:

  dhclient -cf <config> <iface>

<config> is generated at runtime, getting info
from /etc/wicd/dhclient.conf.template (or .template.default). 

However, I can't see anything in my /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf related to hooks.
If it were, that should be copied over to /etc/wicd/dhclient.conf.template .

Do you have anything customized in /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf ?

> In my wicd-gtk preferences, I have "DHCP client: automatic", not "dhclient".
> All the other choices are greyed out.

Can you set it to "dhclient"? Does anything change?
Or is dhclient itself greyed out?


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