On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 02:38:22AM -0500, Andres Mejia wrote:
> Package: sbuild
> Version: 0.60.0-1
> Severity: normal
> It looks as though STDERR is not being properly piped in the run_apt()
> subroutine. This problem may be in Sbuild::Chroot, but I haven't thouroughly
> checked. This is from sbuild version 0.60.0-1 with the patch in bug #403246.
> Here's a debug output. Note the 'E: Couldn't find package' message and how
> it's missing in $msgs at the end.

STDERR is probably going directly to the build log since we aren't
intercepting it.  We should either redirect it to the same pipe as
stdout so we can process it in one go, or drop the checking entirely,
since it's not exactly reliable in any case since it depends upon
the apt messages never changing.  The same applies to the broken
build environment: if it's broken we fail and it's already logged
in the package build log, so I'm not sure what we gain from the
extra complexity.

The virtual packages/ALTERNATIVES handling is a little different.
However, this is really the wrong place to handle it: rather than
retrying, the dependency resolver should have already handled this.
Note it's also using the hardcoded ALTERNATIVES list, rather than
any genuine package-provided alternatives, so IMO it's also
broken and we could possibly remove it.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
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