On dim., 2010-11-14 at 18:46 +0100, Amir Dizdarević wrote:
> You were right. Restarting X does change the cursor, but only for
> hovering
> over the desktop. In all other applications, and also when hovering
> the
> panel, the system
> default is used, which is the white dmz cursor since I installed that.
> Maybe the default symlink in /usr/share/icons superimposes itself?
> I'll try
> and remove the symlink.
> EDIT: No, that doesn't help. This time, instead of the white dmz
> cursor, I
> get
> the old black X cursor and the cursor I set appears only when hovering
> the
> desktop.
> Oddly enough, the Chromium browser gets the default cursor in
> everything,
> except for its address bar or other UI parts where there's input
> required.
> But I guess those are just the parts not styled by GTK. Could it then
> be
> that GTK has something to do with it?.
> EDIT2: No, KDE4 apps also have the same issue. Strange...
> Thank you for your time! 

How exactly did you install the cursor theme?

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