tags 605960 + fixed-upstream

On 10.12.10 Andres Cimmarusti (acimmaru...@gmail.com) wrote:


> I'm attaching a simple example that shows the problem. It's not only
> beamer that doesn't work, but any latex document fails when you use
> package footcite.
> Just try: latex footbib-problem.tex
Thanks for your input!

So that "! Package footbib Error: the output routine of LaTeX
changed." seem to be a problem, which is present in footbib from
2004, but not in the version from 2007. No clue, why the new version
didn't make it into TL 2009, I guess it was uploaded to CTAN very
late (beginning 2010).

> > Di you try to check if there is a newer version of footbib, which
> > wouls solve your problem?
> I tried using the newest footbib.sty from CTAN. And ran into another
> error. The footbib instructions say: do this:
> latex footbib-problem.tex
> bibtex footbib-problem.fb
> latex footbib-problem.tex
> latex footbib-problem.tex
> The second step fails with some errors. I have attached another txt
> file with the output of the first two commands in this series. I
> hope this helps address the issue. If you need more info, let me
> know.
> $ bibtex footbib-problem.fb
> This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (TeX Live 2009/Debian)
> The top-level auxiliary file: footbib-problem.fb.aux
> I found no \bibdata command---while reading file footbib-problem.fb.aux
> I found no \bibstyle command---while reading file footbib-problem.fb.aux
> (There were 2 error messages)
I had a short look at the doc of the package. The package works like
ordinary bibtex, i.e. you need a bibtex database, bibtex style file

Here is a minimal example how to use the package:



Previous work~\footcite{Winkler89}



  AUTHOR = {F. Winkler},
  TITLE = {Equational Theorem Proving and Rewrite Rule Systems},
  YEAR = 1989,
  BOOKTITLE = {5. \"Osterreichische Artificial-Intelligence-Tagung},
  EDITOR = {J. Retti and K. Leidlmair},
  PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  ADDRESS = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
  PAGES = {26-39},
  KEYWORDS = {}}

First you run LaTeX, then you run bibtex and finally again LaTeX as
described. BibTeX database for books can be found on the net.

I'm tagging your bug as fixed in upstream as one need a new version
of the package, the old is unusable at least with modern LaTeX.

sigmentation fault

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