severity 612242 important

On 07.02.2011 03:36, Deniz Akcal wrote:

> I was trying to figure out why my computer is super slow to the point that I 
> have to do a hard reboot to have it useable again and I found the 
> "tracker-store" process to use 90-100% CPU (I think when it
> shouldn't be due to pausing or something) but more prominently I watch (with 
> gnome-system-monitor) the memory increase from around 5MB to over 3GB! The 
> uptime on the time before typing this was 16 minutes
> and I had to kill the process so that my computer can be useable.

How big is your home directory? How big is your tracker index 
Does it help, if you tell tracker to nuke the existing db and restart fresh
(tracker-control -r). You might create a copy of ~/.cache/tracker and ~/.local/


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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