
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 12:04:10PM +0900, d+...@vdr.jp wrote:
> Hi,
> I always thank you for your work.

  You're welcome always too :)

> On Wed, Feb 09, 2011 at 05:13:40PM +0100, Ricardo Mones wrote:
> > > sylpheed crashes in my environment, too.
> > > Here is backtrace.
> > [...]
> > >     at /tmp/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.24.0/gtk/gtktreemodel.c:1473
> > [...]
> > >     at /tmp/buildd/glib2.0-2.27.91/./glib/gmain.c:3299
> > 
> >   From the original report:
> > ii  libglib2.0-0           2.24.2-1          The GLib library of C routines
> > ii  libgtk2.0-0            2.20.1-2          The GTK+ graphical user 
> > interface
> > 
> >   I think you're using a pretty different environment, at least regarding
> >   the GTK/GLib used, which seems the one crashing here... are these from
> >   experimental or just built yourself?
> I used sylpheed 3.1.0~rc0-1 and GTK/GLib from experimental.
> ii  libglib2.0-0   2.27.91-1      The GLib library of C routines
> ii  libgtk2.0-0    2.24.0-1       The GTK+ graphical user interface library

  I hope that's because you were experimenting with those. Experimental
  versions of sylpheed should run fine with unstable libraries, so libraries
  from experimental are not really necessary.

> >   If you have time maybe you can try with Debian's GTK/Glib and the 3.1.0
> >   version (original reporter told this seems fixed in 3.1.0).
> Yeah, I do not suffer crashing since sylpheed 3.1.0-1.
> But I do not know that it is really "fixed".

  Agreed, I'm not sure either. The bug it's now forwarded to the sylpheed
  mailing list and upstream author is aware of it. I hope he can found a
  fix soon. 
  Ricardo Mones 
  Never send a human to do a machine's job.               Agent Smith

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