On Thu, 2011-02-10 at 09:27 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:

> sparc due to a bus/alignment error

After recompiling without optimisation, there is no Bus error, so this
like the other one is a compiler optimisation bug.

Here is the backtrace (with -O2) from gdb on smetana (sparc):

#0  icns_get_element_from_family (iconFamily=0x281d0, iconType=1949855083, 
iconElementOut=0xff8b15f8) at icns_element.c:93
        error = <value optimized out>
        iconElement = 0x2e4c5
        elementType = <value optimized out>
        elementSize = 25325
        dataOffset = 25333
#1  0xf7ecf66c in icns_get_image32_with_mask_from_family (iconFamily=0x281d0, 
iconType=1769222962, imageOut=0xff8b1688) at icns_image.c:128
        error = 0
        maskType = 1949855083
        iconElement = 0x324d8
        maskElement = 0x0
        iconImage = {imageWidth = 128, imageHeight = 128, imageChannels = 4 
'\004', imagePixelDepth = 8, imageDataSize = 65536, 
          imageData = 0x387d0 "k\207", <incomplete sequence \317>}
        maskImage = {imageWidth = 0, imageHeight = 0, imageChannels = 0 '\000', 
imagePixelDepth = 0, imageDataSize = 0, imageData = 0x0}
        dataCount = <value optimized out>
        dataValue = <value optimized out>
        pixelCount = <value optimized out>
        pixelID = <value optimized out>
        colorIndex = <value optimized out>
#2  0x0001175c in ExtractAndDescribeIconFamilyFile (filename=<value optimized 
out>) at icns2png.c:522
        outfile = <value optimized out>
        iconImage = {imageWidth = 0, imageHeight = 0, imageChannels = 0 '\000', 
imagePixelDepth = 0, imageDataSize = 0, imageData = 0x0}
        iconElement = {elementType = 1769222962, elementSize = 25325, 
elementData = ""}
        iconDataSize = 0
        typeStr = "it32"
        iconInfo = {iconType = 1769222962, isImage = 1 '\001', isMask = 0 
'\000', iconWidth = 128, iconHeight = 128, iconChannels = 4 '\004', 
iconPixelDepth = 8, 
          iconBitDepth = 32, iconRawDataSize = 65536}
        iconDimSize = <value optimized out>
        error = <value optimized out>
        inFile = <value optimized out>
        iconFamily = 0x281d0
        dataPtr = 0x281d0 "icns"
        dataOffset = 8
        elementCount = 0
        extractedCount = 0
        prefilename = <value optimized out>
        outfilename = <value optimized out>
        filenamelength = <value optimized out>
        prefilenamelength = <value optimized out>
#3  0x00012068 in main (argc=<value optimized out>, argv=0xff8b1824) at 
        count = 1
        result = 0



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