OoO Lors  de la soirée naissante  du mercredi 23 mars  2011, vers 17:43,
Teodor <> disait :

> The INSTALL_PATH constant is hardcoded in program/include/iniset.php to the
> default installation on Debian: /var/lib/roundcube. This does not allow us to
> have multiple virtual hosts (with different DocumentRoot) for a single domain
> (with two instances for desktop and mobile devices) or multiple domains.

> Please do not modify the upstream file 'iniset.php'.

The  modification   is  done  because   $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']  may
dereference  symlinks  and  result  in /usr/share/roundcube  instead  of
/var/lib/roundcube.    Some   features    won't   work   then   (because
/usr/share/roundcube is not complete).

I don't quite  understand what you try to do. Do  you copy the roundcube
installation into another location?
BOFH excuse #244:
Your cat tried to eat the mouse.

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