On Mon, 2011-08-29 at 16:38 +0300, Riku Voipio wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 05:48:44PM +1000, Christopher James Halse Rogers 
> wrote:
> > The -dev package shouldn't be marked as multiarch; the i386 package is
> > not parallel installable with the amd64 package as they both
> > ship /usr/include.  In general, my understanding is that -dev packages
> > should not be multiarched (yet).
> It is ok to incude same files in multiarch coinstallable packages, as long as
> they are identical on all archictectures. Think 
> /usr/share/doc/libpciaccess0/copyright
> for example. Hence all -dev packages where headers are same on all 
> architectures
> are safe for multiarch.

Yeah.  I was confused by the documentation on
wiki.debian.org/MultiArch/Implementation which said "policy forbids -dev
packages from being marked as Multi-Arch: same".  As you say, that only
applies where the contents of headers change across architectures.  I've
updated that documentation to hopefully be clearer.

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