tags 607673 + confirmed upstream
found 607673 1:2.4.7-3
retitle 607673 Left/right arrow and backspace key don't work in account 
register when using X Input Method (XIM)
forwarded 607673 https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=661915

Shannon Dealy <de...@deatech.com> writes:

> Was changing window managers and discovered that the problem with gnucash and
> the scim daemon on my system is specific to the setting of GTK_IM_MODULE.  If
> it is set to "xim" gnucash editing is broken (arrows, delete/backspace), if it
> is set to "scim" then it appears to work fine.
> My understanding is that scim is supposed to be able to work with xim (and it
> apparently does for my other apps), though I don't recall why I set it up this
> way years ago as it does not appear to be necessary for my current usage.  In
> any case, switching so:
>    GTK_IM_MODULE="scim"
> appears to solve my problem, though the bug is still there, this appears to
> make it a non-issue for me.  Perhaps this may give some clues to make it 
> easier
> to track down the problem.

I was able to reproduce your problem. I forwarded the bug to upstream
GnuCash developers.

As a reminder for myself, here are all the steps necessary to reproduce
the problem:

sudo apt-get install scim
mkdir -p ~/.scim
echo "/SupportedUnicodeLocales = $LANG" > ~/.scim/global
export XMODIFIERS="@im=SCIM"
export GTK_IM_MODULE=xim
killall scim-launcher
scim -d

Then the backspace key and left/right arrows don't work in the account

Thanks for reporting this,

Sébastien Villemot
Researcher in Economics at CEPREMAP & Debian Maintainer
Phone: +33-1-40-77-49-90 - GPG Key: 4096R/381A7594

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