On Thu, 10 Nov 2011 19:18:01 +0100 Anton Gladky wrote:

> Can we decrease the severity of this bug to return the freecad back to 
> testing?

I think the bug is still unfixed and still serious, unfortunately.

> The bug filed on March, but freecad was removed from testing on May
> because of FTBFS's (I think).

Yes, but I think freecad should not be released in a stable version
(again) with this serious issue unsolved.

I still think that the proper solution to this bug is persuading Open
CASCADE S.A.S. to re-license Open CASCADE Technology under
GPLv2-compatible terms.
I have been pestering them since April 2009: I am trying to persuade
them to re-license under the GNU LGPL v2.1; they always say that a
decision is pending, that their legal department is working on the
issue, and so forth, but no news comes out...   :-(
If nobody helps me, I am afraid that they will never make up their
minds.   :-(
So once again, please join me in this persuasion effort!
Please get in touch with Open CASCADE S.A.S. and persuade them to
switch to the GNU LGPL v2.1 !!!

Thanks for any help you can provide.

> Now FTBFS's are fixed on all platforms, but freecad cannot return back
> to testing.
> Anyway, this issue cannot be resolved without uploading OCE [1] into the 
> Debian.
> Thanks
> [1] 
> http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=debian-science/packages/oce.git;a=summary

What's this?
Do I understand correctly that it's a fork of OpenCASCADE?

Since it is a derivative work of the official OpenCASCADE, it's under
the same DFSG-free weak-copyleft, but GPL-incompatible, license (as
confirmed by the debian/copyright file).
How can this fork solve any license compatibility issues between
FreeCAD and OpenCASCADE?
Could you please explain?

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