tags 648827 pending

On 15/11/2011 09:36, Helge Kreutzmann wrote:

> Please find the initial German web page translation for po4a
> attached.

Thanks, I just committed it in the Subversion repository.

> If you update your template, please use 
> 'msgfmt --statistics <pofile.po>'
> to check the po-files for fuzzy or untranslated strings.

$ LANG=de_DE.utf8 msgfmt -vv po/www/de.po
po/www/de.po: 96 übersetzte Meldungen, 5 ungenaue Übersetzungen, 2
unübersetzte Meldungen.

> If there are such strings, please contact me so I can update the 
> German translation.

Consider it done. Please, feel free to update it directly: you have
commit access to svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/po4a, so you can update
svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/po4a/web/po/www/de.po as you wish (well,
even better if you build the translated pages before uploading, to check
that no typo will brake it, using e.g. “po4a po/html.cfg”).

This bug will be close when the website will actually be rebuilt, which
needs some manual tricks.



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