tags 651601 upstream
severity 651601 normal


On Sat, 10 Dec 2011 11:37:29 +0000, ael wrote:

> Package: josm
> Version: 0.0.svn4487+dfsg2-2

Would you please test the version in sid?

> Please see josm.openstreetmap.de tickets #5833 and #7066.

Then why are you reporting it here? :)

> josm is no longer usable under xfce4.

Wrong. I use xfce4, and josm (and sid). ;)

> Window decoration missing,

If that's the same "thing" as josm's #5833, please try using Alt+mouse drag.
That should move your window out of the top panel.

> child windows misbehave and make data entry almost impossible.

I saw a similar thing with dual-monitor setup: is this your case?

> One worked round, data seems not to be handled correctly.

I'm not sure to understand what you mean here.

> I think josm-latest was last working in mid October. 

There's no josm-latest in Debian.


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