Hey folks,

I also encountered this bug: both gnome3 and acpid were handling
powerbutton presses.

A bit of digging showed that the gnome-power-manager has been deprecated
and the relevant parts of it have been integrated into
gnome-settings-daemon since 3.1.4. This means the current check for
gnome-power-manager is no longer sufficient.

The attached patch makes acpi-support check if gnome-settings-daemon is
running, but only if the installed version is 3.1.4 or newer.

This check might be a bit of a hack right now, but I guess the entire
"is process X running, then don't handle the key" is in a way. I guess
the "perfect" solution would be to connect to gnome-settings-daemon and
find out if the "power" and/or "media-keys" plugins are really enabled
(like what seems to happen for dcop?).

It seems something like this could happen through DBus, but
gnome-settings-daemon is only active on the session bus and I doubt it's
possible to implement this reliably (since you don't know where the dbus
session for the user lives?).

Having said that, I guess this patch is a sufficient solution?


--- policy-funcs.orig	2012-01-11 12:50:53.082612087 +0100
+++ policy-funcs	2012-01-11 12:56:18.278874769 +0100
@@ -16,6 +16,15 @@
 	PMS="/usr/bin/gnome-power-manager /usr/bin/kpowersave /usr/bin/xfce4-power-manager"
 	PMS="$PMS /usr/bin/guidance-power-manager /usr/lib/dalston/dalston-power-applet"
+	# gnome-power-manager is integrated with gnome-settings-daemon (in the
+	# power and media-keys plugins) since 3.1.4, so if we have that version
+	# installed, also check for gnome-settings-daemon.
+	GSD_VERSION="`dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show gnome-settings-daemon 2>/dev/null`"
+	if dpkg --compare-versions "$GSD_VERSION" ge "3.1.4"; then
+		PMS="$PMS /usr/bin/gnome-settings-daemon"
+	fi
 	pidof -x $PMS > /dev/null ||
         { test "$XUSER" != "" && 
           pidof dcopserver > /dev/null &&

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