Le jeu 2005-09-29 a 00:03:37 -0400, Jurij Smakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a dit:
> simon raven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >mod_perl enabled makes apache2 puke with a SIGSEGV; seems to be related
> >to the perl 5.8 update that happened today. before, it was working fine.
> >the straces aren't very helpful except for pointing out where it fails.
> FWIW, I cannot reproduce it in current sid. Application I maintain (torrus) 
> uses libapache2-mod-perl2 and it's working happily. 
> Here are currently installed versions of relevant packages:
> apache2-common        2.0.54-5
> apache2-mpm-worker    2.0.54-5
> libapache2-mod-perl2  2.0.1-3
> perl                  5.8.7-5

stick php in there, and you have an unhappy combo. i was using both
php and mod_perl2. this isn't the only place where i've seen perl do
this. both irssi and apache2 do the same: they crash when
DynaLoader gets loaded. i can't recall if i filed a bug on perl or
not, but there it is. i note you don't have the php there. oh, no,
actually, my bad, whether or not php was present did it crash.

i had to revert to get it to actually serve sites :(. i've tried
reinstalling the perl packages. the only difference i can see is the
kernel itself. what kernel version is that running?

> Best regards,

:), you too

> Jurij Smakov                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Key: http://www.wooyd.org/pgpkey/                   KeyID: C99E03CC

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