On Sat, 2005-04-30 at 01:12 +0200, Xavier Grandmougin wrote:
> Is this dependency really mandatory ?

Unfortunately, yes.  At least, given the things that work and don't work
well w/ dpkg, it was the best solution I could come up w/.

> If I compile my own module with the package ndiswrapper-source, I
> don't need to install any binary module, right ? Do I have to create
> my own package to satisfy the dependency ?

I'm not really clear what you're asking.  If you're using debian's
2.6.8, you can install the binary modules from the archive; if you're
using another kernel, you'll need to install ndiswrapper-source, compile
it (it will create binary modules if you use module-assistant or
kernel-package), and install that alongside with ndiswrapper-utils.

Andres Salomon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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