On Wed, Feb 01, 2012 at 05:42:28PM +0100, Michael Biebl wrote:
> If we provide a /dev/initctl → /run/initctl symlink, we don't need that
> Breaks afaics and I think we should add such a a symlink anyway for
> backwards compatibility.
> I'd guess there is more code out there hardcoding the location of the
> initctl socket (I could do an archive wide grep for "/dev/initctl" fwiw).

They shouldn't, and I wouldn't worry too much about this possibility.
The protocol is private and undocumented, so there should be no
third-party users.  The location is hard-coded directly into the
binaries and is likely only intended to be used by sysvinit binaries.
systemd is an exception to this rule, and I would suspect the only


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