On Wed, Feb 01, 2012 at 09:44:58PM +0100, Michael Biebl wrote:
> On 01.02.2012 17:42, Michael Biebl wrote:
> > I'd guess there is more code out there hardcoding the location of the
> > initctl socket (I could do an archive wide grep for "/dev/initctl" fwiw).
> FYI: http://people.debian.org/~biebl/results.dev-initctl

Many thanks.  Looking through the list, many are false positives:

bup: only in examples
[mindi-]busybox: just avoids lookups if present
cdebootstrap: cleans if present
debootstrap: changelog only
gradm2: in policy; not harmful
lvm2: part of list in unit tests
loop-aes-utils: implements lightweight initctl utility; does not
  appear to be built or installed; originated from util-linux-ng
nut: Only in FAQ/TODO docs
ppbuttonsd: Only in docs/comment.
pbuilder: Only in logs of chroot update, due to timeout in a chroot.
rpm: Only in changelogs
util-linux: In source; does not appear to be built or used.

Needs fixing:

systemd: Using old paths.

sysvinit: Unpatched.

upstart: Using control FIFO directly.  Not clear why it can't just
  use telinit; probably due to removing sysvinit with Conflicts.

libsepol-2: Checks for socket before running telinit.  Should
  probably use both old and new paths.  Or not bother checking;
  the worst case is it times out or fails.

manpages: These translations will be picked up by po4a.

So some definitely need fixing; others could have bugs filed
e.g. gradm2.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
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