Another option might be to put Conflicts clauses in both packages. That
of course assumes that noone would ever want both.

Renaming the one in the Perl module seems okay to me  but I have not
looked at the packages. I am just giving my gut feelings.

On 09/03/12 22:34, David Paleino wrote:
> Hello,
> if I might say my own opinion, given that I sponsored mysql-utilities, here is
> a proposed solution.
> - libmysql-diff-perl should build a new binary package (let's call it
>   libmysql-diff-perl-bin, for the sake of example). This will only contain
>   the script in /usr/bin/, and will depend on libmysql-diff-perl -- which will
>   only contain the Perl module. Also, the lib*-bin package will Conflict with
>   mysql-utilities.
> - mysql-utilities should Conflict with the newly-generated package.
> Unfortunately, it's not possible (IMHO) to use alternatives, since the two
> mysql-diff programs have slightly different options (and features, too).
> Dmitry (maintainer of mysql-utilities) proposed to move its binaries
> to /usr/lib/mysql-utilities: I'm strongly against this, since those binaries
> will have no use outside mysql-workbench (which they should have, instead).
> Failing to split libmysql-diff-perl means that either mysql-utilities moves 
> its
> binaries in strange locations out of $PATH, or that it should conflict with 
> the
> whole Perl module (which really makes no sense).
> Another option would be renaming one of the two binaries: mysql-utilities
> provides many binaries in the form mysql<something>, renaming just one of them
> seems weird. Thus I propose to rename the one contained within the Perl 
> module,
> if that's an acceptable solution to both parts involved.
> I'm confident that pkg-perl people will express their own opinion, and that
> we'll find a solution to this.
> Kindly,
> David
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