Package: dc
Version: 1.06.95-3
Severity: serious
Justification: §6.1: maintainer scripts must be proper executable files … they 
must start with the usual #! convention


We discovered in #debian today that the dc package contains invalid maintainer
scripts. The postrm script, for example is just the following:

# Automatically added by dh_installmenu
if [ -x "`which update-menus 2>/dev/null`" ]; then update-menus ; fi
# End automatically added section

That is, there is no #! line. The previous version of the package has a much
more extensive set of maintainer scripts.

The current version in wheezy (1.06.95-2) does not suffer from this problem
so users should be able to upgrade from squeeze to wheezy without issue. The
package in sid is also installable in sid and wheezy because dpkg has changed
its handling of broken maintainer scripts (#622094). The particular user in
question was trying to upgrade directly from squeeze to sid hence squeeze's
dpkg was trying to deal with this package; debating the merits of that sort
of upgrade is quite separate to this broken maintainer script.


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