
Mon, 14 Oct 2013, 13:27 +03:00 from Andrej N. Gritsenko:
> I would rather avoid openbox 3.5.2, it has the behavior which many
> users would consider buggy - it places new windows always in the corner
> of screen, and old behavior (center of screen) isn't possible anymore.
> Let stay with 3.5.0 until they implement old behavior again (I hope it
> will be implemented in the next openbox release, they are working on it
> already).

openbox/3.5.2-3 is currently in unstable, not in NEW queue or experimental...
By the way, I've unpacked the source package, and there's some patch there,
'fix_center_window.patch' in 'debian/patches'
(I haven't tested it though).

Looks like the coordination
between the "Debian LXDE Maintainers" & Mateusz Łukasik
needs to be improved a little:

Best wishes, Bob

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